“ARTCULT: Design and Creative Writing” Training in Granada , 6-10 September 2019
New European Project Training on modernization of access to knowledge of cultural heritage, mAPP my Europe
From 6-9 September, a group of Europe experts gathered again in Granada to continue training and advance the contents of the EU-driven “mApp My Europe” project, that aims to modernize access to cultural heritage knowledge.
The meetings were organized this time around by the following parties:
Celei: Centro de Lenguas y Educación Intercultural, under which representatives of Spain, Romania, Greece and Bulgaria have participated; their opinion was a very positive one. The participants have worked on themes such as the creation of itineraries and cultural activities in Granada, the development of social networks and specific technology, the city as a source of inspiration for poets and writers, the discovery of its magical and folklore environment, and its role as historical and cultural center.
During the European training course, the assistants visited different spaces and monuments of the city and, during the session celebrated in the Museo Memoria de Andalucia, studied the importance of agriculture in the economic development of the region. They reviewed the evolution of Andalusian society in times of peace and war, everyday life and its artistic development.
In the afternoon of the same day, a creative writing workshop took place that was energized by the writer, Cesar Requeséns, where the participants could immerse themselves in the world of literary creation.
Goals of mApp My Europe
During its two-years course, the “mApp My Europe” project aspires to achieve the following: training for young workers, development of mApp, an smartphone application for youth tourism that will offer different attractive routes, a non-formal online education book on cultural heritage for trainers and teachers interested in cultural heritage activities and public activities.
Cool Events
The “mApp My Europe” projecdt seeks to involve various institutions, organizations, associations, artists, young people, workers, experts, architects and professors from different fields that have a connection with the cultural heritage.
Also, “mApp My Europe” fosters a partnership between experts, teachers, workers, youth creators of creative changes interested in cultural heritage, education, tourism, innovation and promotion of itineraries for the application in mobile phones and analyze their decisions on the most attractive routes of their regions. Their participation provides not only a great intercultural experience, but also the development of some social skills, the improvement of linguistic and digital skills and, at the same time, the opportunity to explore new domains such as volunteering non-formal education, cultural heritage, art, culture and entrepreneurship.