Mapp my Europe in the Young Entrepreneurship Conference “I am connected”

Last October 23rd, The European Mapp my Europe project participated in the second edition of the Young Entrepreneurship Conference called “I am connected”, organized by the Ave María San Cristóbal vocational school. The main objective was to awaken the entrepreneurial spirit in the students, get to know the different entrepreneurial experiences carried out by the local community, as well as the different ways and possibilities for entrepreneurship. The title of the conference refers to the fact that “today, any entrepreneurial project is required to be connected, especially through information and communication technologies such as internet”.

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A lesson of memory in the Military cemetery of Dobrich

Within the framework of the project mAPP my Europe under the Erasmus Program, students from the 11th class of Dimitar Talev High School, with their history teacher, Mrs. Mariana Uzunova, visited the Military Cemetery Museum in Dobrich. The young people viewed with interest the exposition dedicated to the Dobrich epic in 1916. The curator Tsvetan Sashev introduced them to Bulgaria’s participation in the First World War and the actions of the Third Bulgarian Army on the Dobrudzha Front. A special place in the story was given to the battles at Tutrakan and Dobrich, which went down in history as Tutrakan and Dobrich epics. The students laid flowers on the graves of fallen soldiers and officers in the memorial battle for Dobrudzha.
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Mapping workshop in Constanta – Teen Talks: Heritage Edition

City tour at the end of the workshop. Photo by Marian Sterea

The mapping workshop, entitled “Teen Talks: Heritage Edition” took part in Constanța on the 29th-31st of March 2019. The participants (disadvantaged teens aged 13-19 years from Constanța and Dobrogea) were selected through an open call, on the basis of a short interview. The call for participants was promoted online, through a Facebook event, and disseminated on the Association’s social media pages. Also, a press release was distributed to local media representatives.

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Fundación CajaGranada organized workshops with youth from 13 to 19 years in which 45 young people participated

Initially, we worked with the students of the CajaGranada Primary and Secondary School to explain the mAPP my Europe project and the mapping design process. Subsequently, a group of 10 students was selected with which proposals for cultural and leisure routes aimed at other young Europeans were made. At this time they conducted a group of Swedish students with cultural guides with whom they are doing exchange.

In addition, we have the students of the Tour Guide cycle of the CPIFP Hurtado de Mendoza de Granada who participated in a workshop in which after learning about the mapping process and methodology they participated in a workshop to design the proposals that emerged in the meeting ( literary routes, routes on local legends, gastronomic routes …). With this group we continue to collaborate.

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Workshops for Mapping procedure – Greece

In order to meet the requirements of the program, the Directorate of Secondary Education of Messenia (DIDEM) organized trips with students from various schools (the 1st High School of Messini, the High School of Aristomeni, the High School of Paralias, the High School of Methoni and the 3rd High School of Kalamata) in the Peloponnese. About 100 students aged 13-17 participated in these courses.

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Cultural Heritage in a Digital Era

Last week the mAPP partner Unseen Pro Ltd, hosted a three-day training on “Cultural Heritage in a Digital Era” in Varna, Bulgaria. More than 20 participants from 4 countries were involved and fully participating at all activities. With very favorable and sunny weather during the whole training, all planned tasks completed successfully.

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