Cultural Entrepreneurship training for youth workers in Constanta, Romania

Cultural Entrepreneurship was the 3rd training for youth workers implemented by House of Education and Innovation – HEI in Constanta, Romania, in the framework of the mAPP my Europe project funded by Erasmus+.

HEI welcomed 24 participants from Bulgaria, Romania, Spain and Greece to 3 days of intense activities that aimed at creating a strong group of youth workers that develop together various tools and methods based on non-formal education in the field of entrepreneurial learning and cultural heritage.

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Regional Ambassadors

After a meal in one of the typical cams of this area, we are welcomed in its CELEI facilities to carry out a working session in which the members of each country must become regional ambassadors of their city and design an accessible and viable route to be able to Perform it with youth groups.
After exposing them to the rest, you can enjoy dinner with typical food from Granada, a city where the custom of the tapa is deeply rooted.

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Positive outcomes during the meeting of the E.U. project on facilitating and promoting modern access to cultural heritage

Organized by Fundación CajaGranada, from 1st to 3rd of March, Spanish, Greek, Bulgarian and Romanian experts met in Granada to work on the contents of the MApp My Europe project, funded by the European Union

Andreea Cosma, coordinator of the project, highlights the importance of training authentic ‘regional ambassadors’ of European culture and the experience of discovering Granada as a city of the senses

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Non formal Methods for Cultural Heritage Education

1st short term staff training in Kalamata took place from 29th January till 02 February 2019.

The Directorate of Secondary Education of Kalamata, in the Peloponnese Prefecture of south Greece, is participating as co-ordinator in the Erasmus+ project “mapp my Europe” for the school years 2018-19 and 2019-2020.The general objective of the project is to foster employability and social inclusion and cohesion through an educational, participatory and intercultural approach to European Cultural Heritage.

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The story of Dobrudzha

Regional Museum of History – Dobrich invited students from the private language school “Raiko Tsonchev” in Dobrich to participate in our Coolt Event. During such kind of meetings we will “tell the story” of Dobrudzha. From the Antiquity to the Modern ages.
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