After a meal in one of the typical cams of this area, we are welcomed in its CELEI facilities to carry out a working session in which the members of each country must become regional ambassadors of their city and design an accessible and viable route to be able to Perform it with youth groups.

After exposing them to the rest, you can enjoy dinner with typical food from Granada, a city where the custom of the tapa is deeply rooted.

The visit to the palatine city of the Alhambra and the Generalife, the most important monument of the city, was the final finishing touch to the last day in Granada. Through a guided tour, they were able to thoroughly understand this monument, not only from an artistic point of view but also as an economic and tourist engine of the city.

 The day continued with the evaluation session and the farewell dinner.

After a few intense days of exchanging ideas, methodologies and knowledge … We hope you enjoyed your stay in Granada!

Within the framework of the mAPP my Europe project financed by Erasmus +, 23 participants from Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and Spain were working around training young people as regional ambassadors for three days.

A conference full of activities and experiences through which CajaGranada Foundation has sought to design innovative methodologies for training young people in the cultural field to develop as a regional ambassador.

On March 1, the morning began with a work session to get to know each other better through collaborative activities. The morning continues with a team visit to the Andalusian Memory Museum to discover the interactive museum about Andalusian history, art and culture through a Gymkhana. All teams have successfully completed the tests and questions that have been proposed!

Then, each of the teams has designed an activity to implement in the museum whose main objective is to work on the improtance of cultural heritage with young people through a museum where the use of new technologies is one of the main attractions for this type of audience

A well-deserved rest to gain strength because then they are proposed to travel the streets of a typical neighborhood of Granada, El Realejo, without apparent direction, simply being guided by those details that call them the most attention. The only slogan given to them is that an hour later they have to be in the Royal Room of Santo Domingo.

After this experience of “Drift” through the streets of Granada, they design an original tourist route by teams, different and based on the experiences they have felt while being lost aimlessly, guided by the physiognomy of the city. This activity has given much … We have even a route in love!


The second day is reserved to make a route through the main Hispano-Muslim monuments of the city. But they are not going to be simple tourists anymore.

From early on, they change roles. They must make the route with a different point of view from yours. Among the roles to be adopted are architects, art historians, tourist guides, tourism businessmen or neighbors in the neighborhood. This change of role generates numerous debates along the way. Walking through the Albayzín, monuments such as El Bañuelo, Casa Zafra or the Palace of Dal al-Horra are visited.